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Waivers & Activity Risk Statement

Adaptive Sports Center of Crested Butte Waiver & Release of Liability

All participants are required to review and sign the Adaptive Sports Center Waiver and Release of Liability prior to participation. Please complete waiver here: 

Activity Risk Statement

All participants will be required to follow the Adaptive Sports Center’s policies and procedures and will be required to sign a Participant Assumption of Risks, Acknowledgment of Inherent Risks and Indemnity Agreement before or upon their arrival.

The programs we offer are adventurous and exhilarating outdoor activities that have inherent subjective and objective hazards and risks. Natural and man-made elements and equipment variables are inherent risks of participation. Incidents with these factors can result in serious or fatal injury.

As a participant, it is also important that you take responsibility for your own experience, as well as the experience of others. Please observe the “Your Responsibility Code” when skiing, snowboarding, biking or participating in any of our other adventure programs on the mountain. It is key that you work with your instructor to ensure the best experience possible.

  • Always stay in control, and be able to stop or avoid other people or objects.
  • People ahead of you have the right of way. It is your responsibility to avoid them.
  • You must not stop where you obstruct a trail, or are not visible from above.
  • Whenever starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yield to others.
  • Always use devices to help prevent runaway equipment.
  • Observe all posted signs and warnings. Keep off closed trails and out of close areas.
  • Prior to using any lift, you must have the knowledge and ability to load, ride and unload safely.

Colorado Ski Safety Act

The Colorado legislature, recognizing risks that are inherent in the sport, has passed the Colorado Ski Safety Act which provides inherent risks of the sport and relative responsibilities of the "skier" and the ski area. You must obey the Act. Under the Act, any person using the facilities of a ski area is considered a skier. A summary of the inherent risks is listed below:

Full version of the Colorado Ski Safety Act is available here.

Warning: Under Colorado law, a skier assumes the risk of any injury to person or property resulting from any of the inherent dangers and risks of skiing and may not recover from any ski area operator for any injury resulting from any of the inherent dangers and risks of skiing, including:

  • Changing weather conditions
  • Existing and changing snow conditions
  • Bare spots, rocks, stumps, trees
  • Collisions with natural objects, man-made objects, or other skiers
  • Variations in terrain
  • And the failure of skiers to ski within their own abilities.

The Ski Safety Act was amended in 2004 to include CLIFFS, EXTREME TERRAIN, JUMPS AND FREESTYLE TERRAIN as inherent dangers and risks of the sport.

Retention Belts

  • Seizures
    • All participants who have listed a seizure history within the last 5 years are required to wear a retention belt while riding the lift. 
      • The use of a retention belt may be declined if the ASC is provided with a written and signed release from the participant’s primary physician. 
      • In addition, if the retention belt is declined pursuant to a physician release, the ASC’s additional retention belt waiver must be signed by the participant or his/her parent/guardian. 
  • Unpredictable or Aggressive Behavior
    • Any participant who exhibits concerning or unpredictable behavior in regard to chairlift risk management may be required to use a retention belt. 
    • The ASC reserves the right to refuse chairlift access if the participant will not or cannot wear a retention belt. 
    • The ASC reserves the right to refuse chairlift access to participant’s who exhibit unpredictable or aggressive behavior. 
    • The ASC reserves the right to refuse its services to participants who are aggressive towards others or present a danger to themselves or others. 

Helmet Policy

The ASC requires helmets for all on-mountain ski and snowboard activities and ice climbing.